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Showing posts from November, 2020

Work Experience October 2020 - E-Blueprint Digital

  In the October half term of 2020, I took part in a virtual work experience specializing in design and online marketing. The company I joined for a week was called 'E-Blueprint Digital'. They assigned me tasks and work to do which was real client work. The client was 'Pangea Sculptures' who offer a wide range of animal sculptures made out of wood and metal, varying in size.  My task was to create a photo realistic image of the sculptures using the images they had previously taken, and then try and incorporate them into a realistic setting, constantly barring the size, lighting and shadows in mind. Images consisted of the three no evil baboons (Speak no evil, Hear no evil and See no evil and a five foot hippo. My first job was to cut the images out to delete the background and have the focal point of the image the only visible item. This was simply done by using the pen tool on Adobe Photoshop and tracing over the animal outline to get a selection around the object, the...