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Personally, I prefer the very last one. This is because it is a technique in which I like to use quite a bit with the edits in which I produce or other work. I got a rectangle tool and stretched it long enough to fit in the word. I then written 'Masthead' and chosen the font 'Century Gothic' as again, it is my favorite font to use when I do my work. I then set the words to Bold and Italic and colored it white so it can be seen better against the dark background. I then duplicated that layer (Ctrl+J) and then set the fill to 0%. After that, I went to the FX tool and selected stroke, set the size so it isn't too thick but isn't too thin either, and set the color to red. I then highlighted the stroke and where previously it stated 'Bold Italic', I just selected 'Bold', which makes the stroked word align back straight and placing the layer on top shows the white to be offline with the stroke, giving a good word effect. 
