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Masthead - Text with Images

There are different methods of doing this, whatever you choose personally does not matter, it is whatever you feel more comfortable with. First of all most, it is best of choosing a more of a bolder font as then you will be able to see the image in text. The first method I used (First and Last) is that you type your word, in my case, 'MASTHEAD'. you do this by holding down the text tool and then selecting the 'Horizontal Type Mask' tool, type your text and then click off, then you will see the marching ants around the text. You then choose your picture and copy it. When going to paste, click on 'Edit' and go down to 'Paste Special' then click on that and select  'Paste Into' or the shortcut 'Alt+Shift+Ctrl+V'.
The second method does the same thing but instead of masking the text, you simply copy and paste a picture of your choice with the word in any font you want in choose over it. You then get the 'Magic wand' tool and simply select the letters of the word by holding down 'Shift' and clicking the letter, making sure they are over the object in which you want in the words. Once selected, you go back onto to the image layer and right click on the word and select 'Layer via cut'.

I first found them both a little difficult, however after a little bit more practise I got the hang of it and started to do it better each time. 

The one I like the most is the top one, purely because of the font and the picture I have used, in my opinion, suit together and make a good effect and style within the word.


  1. you have used the images to create interesting textures- you have lost the image itself in some cases though and it would be nice to chose a font that allows you to see the image- think carefully about the image used and the connotations you are looking for - link the font style to image perhaps. Your commentary is indepth well done.


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