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Radio - Homework 5

Homework 5: on your blog give five examples with explanation for each area of radio media.

Jingles - These are the anthems that would in a way promote the radio channel. For example, Radio city has a tune then someone singing the phrase, "Radio City 96.7...Liverpool!". This would promote the Radio station due to the catchy tune, as seen by everyone who hears it as everyone sings along with it, and when mentioned, people think of the jingle/anthem straight away and know what they are talking about. 
Radio city Jingle -> 

Another Jingle is the BBC Radio 2. This is simply a song, with someone singing and ending with 'BBC Radio 2'. Again this will promote the station due to the how catchy the jingle is. 
BBC Radio 2 Jingle -> (00:07)

With jingles in concern, it is important that they always change. One reason for this is because it is important to move with the times and the trend of music. For example, the Radio City jingle used to soft and smooth, right around the time when the music trend was smooth and soft, however, now it is more 'electric' as the music trend nowadays has developed and gotten more 'boom, boom' and pop, so they have developed their jingles to move with the times and this is important because in order to have the popularity the station wants, they have to move with the times and what the audience listen to and want to hear.

Idents - Idents are more like a voice over. They are talking over a tune. For example, the Capital FM ident says, "This is capital, Capital Breakfast ... with Roman Kemp .... London's number 1 music station!". Usually then they will cross over to a jingle by then saying, "CAPIIITALLLL!" in a tune. Basically, what an ident is, is something that is mentioning what show you are listening to and what channel you are on, promoting their own station for everyone of the public.
Capital FM Ident ->

Radio Adverts - 
Radio adverts are usually catchy as hell... personally, they annoy me.. ALOT! That is because they are always cathy, have a long voice which feels like it goes on forever, and then is followed by a song/ident/jingle in which is very annoying at times to the point you have to turn it off. For example the advert 'Chapel house' (Link-> Video will be posted when I hear the advert as only I can only find the TV adverts)
Another advert that is widely known is Chris Kelly Driving school, which is widely known across Liverpool. It includes a catchy tune and the number of the company - 625 3300 - "625 double 3 double 0 .. Chris Kelly Driving School" which is the catchy part of the ad, along with the jingle at the end. 
Link ->


  1. Excellent work James.
    Well researched and developed with clear analysis.


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