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Feathering Montage

To do a feather in Photoshop looks good. So the the way to do it is simply get your picture or subject you want feathered and select your marquee tool by pressing M or selecting the second top icon of the tool bar. Once selected, you will see something called feather, usually at 0px. Before you make your selection, you want to increase that number to whatever you like. Here I have done 25px. When you select around the subject with the Marquee or Lasso tool, press CTRL+SHIFT+I or Select > Select Inverse and then you will be left with your subject with a fading to transparent outline like so above...

Here is the Montage I created using the feather effect:

For this, I have made a collage / montage of different fashion and people who are in the modeling and fashion business. You can see I have done the feathers and made things have a lower opacity and different sizes so you can see other pictures through another picture and fit more on giving the collage effect.


  1. feathering is again a high end function of PS and one that is used a lot in magazines - especially when creating photomontages. You have shown you understand the technique and the outcomes look professional- you have selected good colourways running through the work and they show an understanding of balance and layout the red runs as a diagonal which always works well in a composition. The commentary is insightful and the fact you did a second piece helps to show an embedding of the skill and also allows you to access M and D bandings. This technique will be put to good effect when creating your magazine.


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