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Photo Filter

This picture, I have used the Photo filter and chosen the filter Cooling Filter (82). 
It makes the image have a cooler feel to it and gives the image the effect that it is live as the cooling effect gives the effect that the lights for the stage are beaming down at him whilst he performs. 

I personally like this filter as it gives the live feel of the image and brings it to life, and i can personally hear a guitar being played in my head because it looks like it is being played live. 

I also done the warming filter. For this, I chose a picture of an autumn setting. This is because the warming filter brings over an orange tint over the image giving the warm ascetic feel. 

Again, I personally like the feel it brings it. Such as how it makes you cosy and brings a comfortable feel towards you. 

These images both bring different vibes and obviously look different, however in a way do the same thing by bringing a vibe to you by simply just looking. They have both been done on the Photo Filter on Photoshop which really brings out the feel of the images in the ways they have been edited. 


  1. I like the connection between the photo filter used and the subject matter/ mood of the work. 2 is limited and you might want to revisit these in the futuer


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