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This magazine aims around the teen to early twenties age range. It is weekly. It also connotes to the average working class background family with average income and people who want better for themselves. This magazine relates to teens as it says 'bullied teen' in the bottom right corner, which could inspire other people in that situation to come out stronger. It also says 'From broke to billions' which could be the same as pretty much as everyone else as the average reader of this would not be from the very wealthy upbringing or background. The fact their is a young, attractive girl on the front would make the average viewer of girls feel better about themselves or possibly strive them to be like that and look like them. 

Image result for vogue uk

This magazine would again aim towards the early twenties / late teens age range. This magazine is a monthly one, so it fits in what has happened in the fashion and beauty industry in the last month and what is coming up in the upcoming month whether it be events, shows or anything else for that matters. This magazine would connote more of a higher class group or people who like to spend big on the way they look. The people you would see reading this magazine will however be in a wide range. Fashion enthusiasts would look at the latest fashion and what the trends are, to middle class who primarily look at the magazine to see what their role models are doing and anything that they can adapt into their fashion sense. The fact that fashion influencer and model Gigi is on the front cover. She is one of the world's top models showcasing fashion everyday. The fact that she is on there will simply attract any one of her fans and they will more than likely buy the mag. The fact that her head is in front of the VOGUE logo, shows she is the main focus and that the name 'VOGUE' doesn't need to sell, but whatever is on the magazine. You also have strap lines such as, 'the shape of the season' and 'how to do the new short hair'. These would be little articles featured in the mag which others could be interested in and possibly lead people to do this and change or shape their fashion sense. The price says a lot of how big the magazine is. The fact it is £3.99 suggests that it is a big and popular magazine, which also suggests why they have top models and celebrities on their covers to gain more audience and keep growing financially and popularity.


  1. James you need to add three more magazines. You need to extend your text for each individual magazine and analyse a more in terms of style. Excellent analysis for your 1st magazine - Cosmopolitan.

    As discussed in lesson you need to analyse the front cover, strap lines, content, title, font, serif/sans serif, colours used, images on the cover, use of language, price, monthly, weekly issue.

  2. James you need to add three more magazines. You need to extend your text for each individual magazine and analyse a more in terms of style. Excellent analysis for your 1st magazine - Cosmopolitan.

    As discussed in lesson you need to analyse the front cover, strap lines, content, title, font, serif/sans serif, colours used, images on the cover, use of language, price, monthly, weekly issue.


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