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Using Filters in Adobe Photoshop

We got asked to experiment with different filters within Photoshop. Some of them do not make any drastic changed to the original image, however some do...
The ones that do are quite visible, either they are darker, different colours, look like they have been drawn or sketched or put together with tiles giving a mosaic effect. One shows that it has been coated in chrome, giving that shiny but at the same time, dark metallic effect. 
My favorite one out of all of these filters has got to be 'notepaper' in which you find under 'Sketch'. That is because in my opinion, it looks simple but 'classy' as the same time and gives a good effect like blotches of ink have been used to create an image. Another one in which I personally like is 'Coloured Pencils' in which you also find under 'sketch'. This is because it looks like the image has been drawn using actual pencils and the type of image it is, would not be easy  for the real human to do physically using pencil and paper. 


  1. nice range of filters- some of which will be more suitable to a fashion magazine than others, the commentary is insightful ( comparing/ contrasting, talking about the merits and suitability to the differing filters. or comparing the different setting with in one filter you liked to see what differing effects can be achieved.


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