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Advertisments from different mediums : Print, Audio, Audio-visual and Online.

1. How have the advertisers tried to create or raise brand awareness?
2. Are they launching a new product to the market?
3. Are they doing a battle with a competitor and trying to increase their market share?
4. Are they re-branding?
5. Are they trying to get feedback from their audience? If so, how?

1. The advertisers here are the contraception brand, Durex. They produce condoms for when anyone who 'wants to test the mattress'. I believe this advert is powerful and tells a good message. The age this would apply for is around the 16 - 25 mark, maybe to early thirties. This is because this is the time of age people start experimeting and going down. The fact that there is the baby chair with an expensive price anyone young would not be able to afford, then a durex logo with a way cheaper price tag, is letting people know, mainly the young generations, that spending around 2 pound can literally save your life. They raise brand awareness that it is the best thing to purchase if you are not settling down and only having a good time with your partner.

2. They are not releasing a new product to the market. They are promoting that it is okay to wear contraception and it is the best thing to do if you don't want to have to put your life on hold at the age of 16-15.

3. From this ad, you cannot tell whether they are competing against a competitor. It is primarily being used to create awareness, however they are promoting their product even more, despite being one of the 'L'argest condom producers on the planet.

4. I believe from this ad, they are not re-branding.

5. I believe they are not looking for any feedback on this ad, however some may give it saying that it was the best thing they have done to prevent being a parent when they weren't ready.

Image result for boots shop soltan

Boots X Soltan -

1. They advertisers here are Boots and they have tried to raise and create awareness of the sun and how it can damage. They are here, promoting their own sultan lotion / sun cream, to prevent children being affected by the sun so easy, by saying that, the damage is as permanent as a tattoo.

2. From this ad, you can gather they are promoting a product, whether it be new or not. The product they are promoting is their own suncream.

3. In a way they would be whether it be intentional or not, such as the durex print ad (^). This ad would let people recognise that boots have their own sun lotion and encourage them to buy it.

4. From this ad, you cannot tell if they are re-branding, however I would guess not, and they are just promoting a product that could boost them financially but holiday goers in safety.

5. You can not directly tell that the production of this ad is in search for any feedback, however there will be people online who willl give reviews on the product.

Image result for carling beer

Carling Beer UK TV Ad -

1. The advertisers here, have tried to create awareness of this alcoholic drink. They done this by saying that Carling is the best thing to exist and top of the range. You know this as one individual performs lots of impressive jumps and stunts, however finising it off with a bad throw back, and then a second individual saying 'It's good but not quite Carling'.

2. They are not launching a new product to the market a this drink is widely known across the whole of the UK, however they are promoting it to be the best beverage that there is out there.

3. From the slogan, 'Not quite Carling' , it is clear that there is competition. This is showing that Carling that is the best beer out there from the likes of Carlsberg, Heinekin, Corona etc. and that Carling should be the number 1 choice and it is the most 'supreme' and 'premium' out there.

4. From this advert, it does not show anything about a rebrand.

5. They could be possibly looking for any feedback ob this product, on how it tastes and what the drinkers actually think about it, and whether it is the 'Carling of beers'.


Image result for facebook Image result for instagram Image result for youtube

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube + other social medias

1.These are pathways in which large or small organisations would use to gain a promotion of their brand. All of these can create or raise awareness of anything as they are practically accessible by everyone and the fact it is so easy to access them.

2. Any of these can advertise a new or older product. Facebook and Instagram are usually the ones to go to with a new product as you can choose yourself how many people will be guarenteed to see the ad and what they see. However, all larger companies will use all social media platforms as they are widespread and more people across the world will see them.

3. These would be hugely used for competition. As the vast majority of the world's population are on the social media world, many companies will target certain individuals based on their interests and needs and try to influence them with an ad that lasts less than 30 seconds as they scroll. However their may be multiple ads for the same topic as they want to create competition and get that product out there more, before their competitors get more gains from their products.

4. These socials will never re-brand. They will update and make it easier for advertising and everyday use, but no re-brand, as they are so big and useful for advertising products.

5. 100%. These socials are always looking for ways to improve their services and understand what hobbies and interests you have. This is primarily for themselves to gain economically while you get ads from other massive companies. For example. If you have an interest in guitars, with a feed a follower list full of them, these socials will look at that or ask you to take a survey and they will target ads related to guitars or music to your account.


  1. Excellent adverts/ companies chosen James.

    WEll discussed in relation to the four media areas.

    Mrs McD-H


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