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Magazine Visualizations


In the process of making a magazine, we had to make visualizations of the magazine we are making. Here, we have the cover, contents and double page spread. This is a music magazine reviewing a guitar (Epiphone Les Paul Custom). I will have my own pictures of the guitar, pedals and guitarist and will get them from outside of school, in my house and a few other locations such as music shops. I have chosen this genre of music magazine as it is a big passion in which I have as I play guitar myself and massively influenced by anything rock/guitar music and guitars and guitarists themselves. I will build this magazine up more by the use of both Adobe Photoshop and InDesign, using the characteristics and code and conventions of a magazine as guide lines. I will also get other examples of magazines that primarily focus on this genre of rock and guitars, and use them as inspiration. 


  1. Impressive visualisation diagrams they will be of great use when developing the magazine and as the 'client' I can see exactly what you are planing and the overall misen scene.
    Hope you can se the difference between the uses of the visualisation diagram and a thumb nail sketch?

  2. Yes I can, a thumbnail is the little mock template that he design and layout of the magazine is chosen on and the visualisations are the more full scale images with more detail and bring more of an idea of what the poster, newspaper, magazine, logo, or any other digitally made product in tha respect.


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