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Advertising Campaign - Celebrity and Shock

What is celebrity endorsement?

This is where a company will advertise their new product with a celebrity. It can usually boost up their market by a significant amount, especially if the celebrity endorsing it is known widely around the world. That will open up the market not just to the country the organisation is based in but the whole of the world population.


EE - Kevin Bacon
Under Armour - Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson / Anthony Joshua
Nike - Cristiano Ronaldo
Virgin Media - Sir Richard Branson / Usain Bolt

Image result for nike cr7 advertisement

What is 'Shockvertising'? (Shock Advertising)

This is where the company use interesting facts or visuals that will shock the audience into buying the product or potentially stopping them using a certain product, such as cigarettes.

NHS - Stop Smoking AD
Cigarette Packets - The pictures featured - Personally too disturbing to show on blog.

Image result for nhs stop smoking ad tv

Image result for george clooney nespresso advert
Image result for george clooney nespresso advert heaven

George Clooney is big amongst the film making industry. He may also be big towards to female audience who older and matured, in other words, coffee drinkers (men also drink it). This is the idea behind George Clooney being the celebrity who is endorsing this product.

The target audience towards this product is obviously for coffee drinkers, but also, as stated before, the older women generation who may have fancied George for his looks, when he first came on the big screens, and still do to this day. This would encourage many of his fans alone to buy and try this product. Right there, Nespresso already gain, just because of George Clooney being featured with their coffee. 

In my opinion, To make a good replacement of George Clooney for this role, it would be anyone who has been known for a long time and 'fancied' by the women of an older generation. For instance, it could be anyone who, again, has been on the big screens or a positive influential character that has been part of the next coffee drinking generation is familiar with. The likes of Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt or Mel Gibson could be potential replacements as they are widely known by the vast majority of the population of the world, with Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt especially being so popular and known for the looks and films, such as the current Nespresso man, George Clooney. As a company, Nespresso don't want to let go of the demographic and audience they attract and how they attract them, as they play a pinnacle roll for Nespresso's success.  

An alternative approach to advertise however, would maybe be without any celebrities. Instead, try and spread more across the world and give people real life situations and show why they need Nespresso coffee to keep them running through the day. Show when there is no Nespresso and then show the effect when once consumed. It will be more realistic and open up to more people rather than just an actor's fan base, bring potential more economic gain to the company. 
A good way also is to go fair trade and heavily advertise that they have decided to this. This is so buyers know that by buying this product, they are helping others in a third world country earn a living in stable and better working conditions and hours.

Image result for nhs stop smoking ad tv

NHS Smoke-free Advert Campaign - 

It can be seen to be appropriate and inappropriate to showcase this advert. Appropriate because it is showing what happens to the inside of the body when you smoke a cigarette, and if there is any young children or people starting to get to that age where they decide to smoke or not, it teaches them what the dangers are and what type of danger they are putting themselves in. It teaches them that it is not best to smoke and to live healthier is the better choice. 

It can be seen as not appropriate however, because of the people who may view it and the type of visual descriptive that comes with it, can be quite graphic and gruesome, not for the younger audience to witness. 

I think the tactics that are not are not permitted in shock advertising, are the ones where you see people being physically harmed or distressed. This will bring everyone, not just the younger audience, to be instantly effected in a negative way. In a way it may have worked if the message is the advert, however, it will more than likely to cause more distress. The adverts that I think are acceptable are the ones that show and outline a message but in a god way to get the viewer enticed and understand the message. 
