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Unit 3 LO1 - Proposal


What is the proposal for? This proposal is for a City of Culture campaign, where we will see Liverpool City being awarded the title of Capital of Culture and host events to celebrate and promote the area. 

WHAT IS BEING INCLUDED WITHIN THE PROPOSAL?  As this proposal is a bid to be awarded the City of Culture, the document includes plans and ideas in the form of occasions or events, that will celebrate the award. For example, hosting an awards night for all across the Liverpool City Region districts on what people have done in their communities or any competitions that have been entered etc. The places included and the dates of events are also included to allow a perception of time for the 

FORM / GENRE There will a variation of how I am going to advertise and promote my proposal. This will be done using many different mediums, following all the suitable code and conventions for that medium. 
For example, I aim to be going right across the board, creating print media to promote each individual event which can get published and handed out around the city, as well as awards such as certificates for the awards night.
I will also create a short montage of what the campaign has to offer and the benefits of it, including clips of the city, activities and events etc. (There will be a mix of my own clips and stock clips as not everything will be eligible in the circumstances we're in and the time window I have to complete this project). 
I will also create a social media page and a website to enable the campaign to have an online presence to gain a larger audience. From here, news, updates and information will be available, as well as purchasing items such as tickets and merchandise to commemorate to achievement of having Liverpool the UK Capital of Culture.  

My Proposal: 

NARRATIVE SYNOPSIS My audio visual product may include a variety of different audio techniques. For example, the narrative could be purely text and titles giving out information with music in a style that will drive the audience to carry on watching, Another way is that I could give a narrative aspect by a voiceover, over the video footage. The AV advert will consist of different shots of features around the city of Liverpool which relate to the events that are happening, whilst text or a voiceover provide information for the viewer to get a deeper understanding. 

CONTENT The content within my advertisements will all include the events and features of what the city of Liverpool offers culturally. All of the print advertisements will include information of the specific events that are being advertised within the city for the campaign. Dates, websites and phone numbers, as well as venues and prices (if any) will be included to give the viewer as much interesting information as possible, leading them to research the event even further online, which will also include the social media pages and information about the campaign and events individually. This will all be made using the Adobe platforms such as Photoshop and Illustrator, where I can produce quality products and present them in a way to gauge what they would look like in a real-life situation.
The Audio Visual advertisement, created using my own clips and being  brought together on Adobe Premier Pro, will include a series of clips that are relevant to the campaign. Here, I will venture around the city and video shots of all the relevant venues , as well as using stock footage to create my clip. For any narrations, I will do myself, giving extra information  and insight about the campaign, as well as the city of Liverpool itself for any outside visitors coming from different cities or parts of the world.

TARGET AUDIENCE  The target audience for this campaign is everyone. It is a time of celebration and promotion of the city, and I believe that everyone who has lived and put their life towards the city, should be given the chance to take part and be proud of the place they call home. Each advert will not specifically cater towards any age or demographic, but will aim to entice all ages. There will be some aspects of the campaign and events in which will be specifically for the more senior and infant ages to make it fair to everyone and give equal opportunities for them to engage with the campaign, incase the events taking part are not quite suitable for a group of people.


  1. Little more detail needed here James in terms of what the actual product is that you are creating, what software will you use etc.

    Good layout and reflection so far


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