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Unit 3 - Print Media


Having traditional style advertising such as print is very helpful for the campaign.  It keeps the traditional form of advertising whilst also reaching out to large group at a single time. Using the softwares Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, I was able to create posters that relate to specific events within the campaign, as well as one for the whole campaign as a whole. 

I have decided to go with traditional, print adverts due to the many advantages it brings to the campaign. One reason is the trust people have with the print outs they pass by when doing the weekly shop or day out etc. This is due to the potential risk online adverts bring, such as viruses and pop-up ads taking over the device. I also personally believe, print and traditional adverts bring a much greater advantage as they are accessible to everyone. Whether the prints are absorbed into the brain of the citizen or not (which can pose as a limitation to the use of traditional advertising), there is not age restriction to who can see what. For example, if the campaign was just to campaign digitally with the use of the internet and social media, there would be a huge proportion of the population that will be restricted from seeing the ads. That could be down to age, interests or having no choice. As the campaign organiser, the main aim is for everyone to know and for everyone to have the option to choose what they attend if they want, so using print and traditional advertising is very useful, as it reaches out to many demographics and target audiences at the same time. 

As there are a series of different events to happen through the campaign, there is at least one poster for each event which outlines the information and details needed for the viewers and audience.  I have designed each poster to be as eye-catching and enticing as possible, using different brushes, colours and textures which link to what type of event it is and to communicate that through the page. 

To get an initial idea to base my designs off, I sketched out a few designs for posters for each specific event happening within the period of the campaign. I do this as I am able to sketch any ideas that I believe are suitable to the event and campaign, enabling me to creatively understand what has been done and why I have done it.

I then imported the sketches into the relevant softwares where I would then continue to build the look of the posters and create them digitally. I used a mix of both Photoshop and Illustrator to create the posters as they are the softwares I am familiar and very comfortable working with. With all posters I wanted to follow a theme that relates to the events. 
