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Showing posts from October, 2019

Richarlison and Everton Brush Preset

Brush Presets Photoshop

Here, I have made the word as a brush preset. I done that by simply selecting the Horizontal Mask Text tool and typing the word. Add color to that to fill in the word and select Edit in the menu bar at the top. You then select that and then select Define Brush Preset and name your brush whatever you want. Then you will select the brush tool and open up the panel and look for the brush you have just made. You then select that, choose whatever color you want, choose the position and size of what you personally prefer.  Here, I have simply just gone black and placed the word 'Masthead' slanted and in rows. Here are some more examples of what you can do...

Radio - Homework 5

Homework 5: on your blog give five examples with explanation for each area of radio media. Jingles - These are the anthems that would in a way promote the radio channel. For example, Radio city has a tune then someone singing the phrase, "Radio City 96.7...Liverpool!". This would promote the Radio station due to the catchy tune, as seen by everyone who hears it as everyone sings along with it, and when mentioned, people think of the jingle/anthem straight away and know what they are talking about.  Radio city Jingle ->  Another Jingle is the BBC Radio 2. This is simply a song, with someone singing and ending with 'BBC Radio 2'. Again this will promote the station due to the how catchy the jingle is.  BBC Radio 2 Jingle ->  (00:07) With jingles in concern, it is important that they always change. One reason for this is because it is important to move with the times and the trend of music. For example, th...

UK Broadsheets

   The broadsheets are the newspaper in which you will mostly find the older people/ business people/ 'posher' people of society read. They include more in depth articles on what is going on in the world or country. Compared to the tabloid papers, these broadsheets double in size as when folded , A2, but when open, A1.  Broadsheets are however in some way similar. This is because they both include games such as cross words and Sodukus and even adverts, where many companies can advertise there company.

UK Leaflets


UK Flyers


UK Billboards

UK Posters


UK Newpapers


UK Magazines


Masthead - Text with Images

There are different methods of doing this, whatever you choose personally does not matter, it is whatever you feel more comfortable with. First of all most, it is best of choosing a more of a bolder font as then you will be able to see the image in text. The first method I used (First and Last) is that you type your word, in my case, 'MASTHEAD'. you do this by holding down the text tool and then selecting the 'Horizontal Type Mask' tool, type your text and then click off, then you will see the marching ants around the text. You then choose your picture and copy it. When going to paste, click on 'Edit' and go down to 'Paste Special' then click on that and select  'Paste Into' or the shortcut 'Alt+Shift+Ctrl+V'. The second method does the same thing but instead of masking the text, you simply copy and paste a picture of your choice with the word in any font you want in choose over it. You then get the 'Magic wand' tool and simply...