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Showing posts from September, 2019
Personally, I prefer the very last one. This is because it is a technique in which I like to use quite a bit with the edits in which I produce or other work. I got a rectangle tool and stretched it long enough to fit in the word. I then written 'Masthead' and chosen the font 'Century Gothic' as again, it is my favorite font to use when I do my work. I then set the words to Bold and Italic and colored it white so it can be seen better against the dark background. I then duplicated that layer (Ctrl+J) and then set the fill to 0%. After that, I went to the FX tool and selected stroke, set the size so it isn't too thick but isn't too thin either, and set the color to red. I then highlighted the stroke and where previously it stated 'Bold Italic', I just selected 'Bold', which makes the stroked word align back straight and placing the layer on top shows the white to be offline with the stroke, giving a good word effect. 
The first one I simply used the font 'Cooper Black' , colored it white and then selected a red outer glow on FX. The second one, I used the font 'Viner Hand ITC' and colored it green. I then chose the font 'Century Gothic' , set the fill to 0% and used the stroke as a gradient overlay on FX and used the 2 colors green and red. The 4th one, I used the Horizontal warp and squashed them together.


12/09/2019 - Companies and Products by Media Sector

Media  Sector Companies Products/Brands Film 20 th Century Fox Fox Home Entertainment Fox 21 TV/Radio BBC BBC RADIO BBC ONE BBC MERSEYSIDE Video Games   EA Sports FIFA UFC Sims 3 Print/Publishing Penguin Books Penguin Random House Books Web/Online Technology Amazon Amazon Prime 365 (Amazon snack line) Music Sony Music Entertainment Sony Pictures Sony Mobile Sony Corporation
  MOCK MAGAZINE PLAN  9th September 2019 Today I had an idea in many of my lessons and it wouldn't get  out of my head, so when I got home I decided to act on it! Shown above is a plan to make a magazine cover, in my own time - I decided to put it on here to show the end result and as a little warm up project before the year starts properly. The magazine is relevant to the actions being made in parliament and the whole Brexit malarky, and obviously the finished article will be alot better than the plan! Hope you like! -JM

About Me...

My name is James Murphy I chose Digital Media as it links in with the career I want to do when I succeed school of Graphic Design.  I have keen interests in the subject from the creative and professional mind I give for the work I have produced in the past and will carry onto in the future. My hobbies include playing football on the weekends joint with being a FA Qualified Referee and earn money on the weekends. Hobbies also consist of doing a few edits on Photoshop the odd time and also playing the guitar with huge interests in guitar music from the 70s, (mainly) 80s and 90s!